Literary Take Over at First Site Gallery

As part of the exhibition RE/SET, at RMIT First Site Gallery, Public Street contributed a literary takeover of the exhibition, curating a small reading library of texts relating to how space is used and formed, available for visitors to read inside the exhibition spaces. As well as running our recurring reading group series, Reading Place, inside the gallery space, making use of the texts.
The texts featured in the library were:
> Cities for the many not the few (2000), Ash Amin, Doreen Massey & Nigel Thrift
> Convincing Ground : learning to fall in love with your country (2007), Bruce Pascoe, Bruce
> Making the Invisible Visible: A Multicultural Planning History (1998), Leonie Sandercock
> Memorials as spaces of engagement : design, use and meaning (2015), Quentin Stevens & Karen Franck
> Planning for coexistence?: recognizing indigenous rights through land-use planning in Canada and Australia (2016), Libby Porter, Janice Barry
> Posthuman urbanism : mapping bodies in contemporary city space (2018), Benita Shaw
> Space, place and gender (1994), Doreen Massey
> Space, place, and sex: geographies of sexualities (2010), Lynda
Johnston & Robyn Longhurst
> Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places (1996), Edward Soja